The first thing one should know is what their target market will be. Who is your customer? What are they wanting to buy? Where do they spend their free time or what do they like to do? Think of them as a whole being! Thinking this way will expand your JV partnership possibilities. What business services or products do they use before or after they come to you? The companies offering those services should become a JV partner for you. An example is Fedex and Kinko’s. One makes the copies and the other ships them out. What companies currently have a relationship and/or database with your target market?
The next thing you need to do when considering a Joint Venture is to just think - What do I want?
What do I need help with right now?
Write that down!
It is important because every Joint Venture technique has a purpose. The timed email campaign was to create a best seller or sell out a product quickly, creating cash flow.
So what do you need more of?
* More Exposure
* Need Content
* Co-create products
* Need leads
* Enter a new territory
* Market with the help of someone who has solid background in that market
* Get products distributed for free
* Exposure
* Distribution
An author of a book Toasting For Parties created a Joint Venture with a Champagne company. The deal for the clients was that when they purchased 2 bottles of Champagne they received her book for Free (the Champagne company bought it from her).
The author benefits as the Champagne company literally sold her product for her, and she never had to worry about making any of the sales. The Champagne company benfits as they increase their sales without expensive advertising costs and the customer benefits as they get a free and appropriate bonus item.
Have you ever seen the concept on a cereal box or other packaged products?
These are all Joint Ventures or cross marketing by the "Big Guys".
What Is A Joint Venture?
Finding Potentially Great Joint Venture Partners
Our Way Of Finding Your Partner!
Can't Get A Small Business Loan? Consider A Joint Venture Partner!
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Finding Potentially Great Joint Venture Partners
Our Way Of Finding Your Partner!
Can't Get A Small Business Loan? Consider A Joint Venture Partner!
How We Work
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